In this episode of the BrosThinkBig Podcast, This Is Why You’re Obsessed With Her, the hosts speak on the issue of young men falling for women at such an early age. The podcast starts by addressing why men have got to point of being obsessed with women. As with almost any issue in the world, social media plays a crucial role. The online world has made young teenagers believe that women are the most important thing in their life or that they are awful and a waste. Both concepts are extremely misleading as women can helps men out in tremendous ways. There also is the issue of teenagers falling too early for women as they do not even love themselves yet. Even worse, they don’t even know what they like. To fix the misleading matter going across the world, we first must understand each genders purpose.
Know Each Genders Role
If there is one message to retrieve from this episode, it is to understand that women are not the top priority of men at any age. For a masculine man to live a fulfilling life, they must seek their purpose. Purpose, not women, will lead to a life worth smiling at in your last breaths if you are a man. For a women who’s feminine, to live a fulfilling life is to love to their fullest extent. The polarity of the two is what creates a perfect masterpiece. Unfortunately, at an early age, many young men do not know their purpose as they are still exploring their options, and as a beautiful women enters their life, they fall into a trap. The trap is extremely dangerous, and is exploited through Josh and Sadula’s previous experiences. The damage can be detrimental.
Young men should focus on their goals more than women. A simple concept that everyone has a grasp of but does not listen too. We all know how powerful our attraction’s for women are, but we also know how strong we can become. To understand more about the situation and how to become the superior man you always wanted to be, watch the entire episode here!
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